All I Ever Did Lyrics – Sølace x Julia Alexa

All I Ever Did Lyrics – Sølace x Julia Alexa: Here is Was Love You lyrics of “All I Ever Did” song sung by Sølace x Julia Alexa.

All I Ever Did English Song Lyrics – Sølace x Julia Alexa Lyrics

All I Ever Did Lyrics
Singer Sølace x Julia Alexa

can’t get your lies
out of my head your
words hurt more then
i can take nowdays
i just play pretend
i say that i don’t care

at all i know i shouldn’t
but I’m scared that i will
just fall deeper then i
already did if you don’t
love me way do you
need to make things

worse when all i ever
did was love you
was love you i just
don’t wanna feel like
i mess everything up
every freindship every

relationship i just ruin
it all was love you was
love you was love you
I’m sorry i never meant
no harm I’m just tired of
us always being hurt

you just made me feel
so small that i thought
you didn’t care at all
i know i should have
stayed untill the end
but i was scared you

would have wanted me
just as a friend if you
don’t love me way do
you need to make
things worse when
all i ever did was love

you was love you was
love you

One Request?

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Vivek Kharb

An aspiring B.Tech student formed an obsession with Blogging, SEO, Website Design, and YouTube.

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