How To Make Name Video Status 2020

In today’s information, we will tell you how you can create the best status video of your name in such a way that you can easily make a very good status video of your name by following these steps.

How To Make Name Video Status 2020 :

Step 1 : 

To Make Your Name Status Video :

First of all, you have to open the kine master app on your phone and after that, you have to select a ratio of 16:9, after selecting the ratio, you have to go to the media option.

From there you have to select a black background and its Length should be lengthened by 15 to 20 seconds.

Step 2 : 

Name Status Video Maker App :

After that you will have to go to the layer option, then select the text option from there.
Type your name and adjust its size and adjust it towards the right-hand side.
Note: You must make sure that the color of your name is green.

Step : 3 

Kine Master Is The Best Name Status Video App. Now you have to download a PNG by clicking on this link.

-Insert this PNG by going to the layer option on the left-hand side of your name.
-By selecting it you must have to fix its color adjustment. 
-It Should be Proper better green.
-For more information, watch the video above carefully.
Step 4 :

-By Kinemaster You Can Easily make Your name video.

-Now, this is a 15-20 second-name video, just export it simply.

-What you need to do is now you have to open the Kine Master app again and after that
again you have to select the 16:9 ratio.
-Go to the Media option to select a colorful video.
Colorful Video Link
Download Link
Step 5 :

-Kine Master Is The Best Editing App For Mobile To Make A Name Video.

-Now you have to select the name video which we exported recently by clicking on the layer option and now adjust its size.
-After That, you have to click on the option with chroma and simply turn it On.
Step 6 :

-From Kine Master App You Can Easily Make a Name Status Video With Song.

-Now as you can see your name video is almost ready now you have to select your favorite music.
 -Now you can adjust the color of the video according to your mind as already discussed in previous steps.
-Now your amazing and wonderful name status video is ready.
In this way, you can make a name status video for yourself or a friend, or a relative.
If you have any confusion then you can also watch the video of it which is available on YouTube.
You can discuss your problem in the comment box.

One Request?

आपकी मदद करने के लिए मैंने यह पोस्ट लिखने के लिए कड़ी मेहनत की है। यदि आप इसे सोशल मीडिया नेटवर्क पर share करने पर विचार करें और नीचे comment करें तो इससे मुझे बहुत मदद मिलेगी।ये है रास्ता.. ♥️

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Vivek Kharb

An aspiring B.Tech student formed an obsession with Blogging, SEO, Website Design, and YouTube.

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